Adult Life Skills
Adult Life Skills is designed for individuals with disabilities who cannot physically tolerate a full-time vocational training program. The program offers a variety of life experiences including leisure, social, cultural, recreation, health, entertainment, communication, and educational and volunteer opportunities.
PACE (Program for Adaptive Care and Environment) was first developed to meet the unique needs of persons with autism. The program design helps reduce anxiety and stress from daily distractions and high levels of sensory stimulation. The program, environment, activities, and social interactions are structured but flexible to increase opportunities for learning.
PACE helps participants focus on appropriate behaviors and positive social skills through increased staff interaction. It offers a variety of life experiences including leisure, social, sensory relaxation, cultural, recreation, health, entertainment, communication, and educational opportunities.
Osage is designed to provide a community integrated day activity program for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The program is centered on community outings, educational, social and physical activities, as well as community service. Persons who are 50+ years of age in this program have the option of part-time or full-time retirement.
The desired result of this program is to enhance and enrich involvement in the community, increase opportunities to choose and direct the activities in which persons served participate, to meet new people, to improve health and wellness and to better meet life needs.